Consul vs etcd: Which is the Better Service Discovery Tool

February 18, 2022

Consul vs etcd: Which is the Better Service Discovery Tool

When it comes to choosing a service discovery tool for your cloud infrastructure, Consul and etcd are two of the most popular choices. Both tools offer a range of features that make it easier for developers to manage their services and applications. In this post, we'll compare Consul vs etcd and help you decide which one is the better service discovery tool.

What is Service Discovery?

Service discovery is the process of automatically discovering the network locations of services in a distributed system. As your cloud infrastructure grows, you need a way to manage your services and the connections between them. Service discovery makes it easier for developers to add, remove or update services without having to manually update configurations.

Service discovery tools such as Consul and etcd make it easier for developers to manage their services by providing a centralized repository of service metadata. They help to reduce the complexity of managing a distributed system by automating many of the tasks involved in managing services.


Consul is a service discovery tool developed by HashiCorp. It is a powerful tool that provides service discovery, health checking, and key/value storage. Consul is built on top of the Raft consensus protocol and provides high availability with multiple data centers.


Consul has a range of features that make it a popular choice for service discovery. Some of these features include:

  • Service discovery and registration
  • Health checking and automatic failover
  • Key/value storage
  • Secure service communication with TLS encryption
  • Multi-datacenter support
  • DNS interface for service discovery


Consul is known for its high performance, particularly in large-scale deployments. According to HashiCorp's benchmarking, Consul can handle up to 15,000 services and 25,000 nodes with sub-millisecond latency and 99.99% availability.


etcd is a distributed key-value store developed by CoreOS. It was originally designed to provide service discovery and configuration for CoreOS, but it has since become a popular choice for managing containers in production.


etcd provides a range of features that make it a popular choice for service discovery. Some of these features include:

  • Service discovery and registration
  • Key-value storage
  • Transactions and rollbacks
  • Secure service communication with TLS encryption
  • Watch API for real-time updates
  • Multi-datacenter support


etcd is known for its high performance, particularly in write-intensive workloads. According to CoreOS benchmarking, etcd can handle up to 20,000 writes per second with sub-millisecond latency and >99.99% availability.

Consul vs etcd: Which One to Choose?

Both Consul and etcd are great tools for managing services in a distributed system. They both offer a range of features that make it easier for developers to manage their services and applications. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should consider before making a choice.

If you're looking for a service discovery tool that provides high availability, Consul is the better choice. It is built on top of the Raft consensus protocol and provides multiple data centers, making it more resilient to failures.

On the other hand, if you're looking for a distributed key-value store that provides high performance and scalability, etcd is the better choice. It is known for its high write performance and ability to handle large-scale write-intensive workloads.

Ultimately, the choice between Consul vs etcd comes down to your specific needs and requirements. Both tools are great choices for managing services and applications in a distributed system.


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