Cryptocurrency vs. Real Estate Investment

September 10, 2021

Cryptocurrency vs. Real Estate Investment

Cryptocurrency and real estate investment have become increasingly popular options for individuals looking to diversify their portfolio. While these two investment categories vary significantly in terms of their characteristics, they share a common goal: to generate profit. In this blog post, we will be comparing cryptocurrency and real estate investment, highlighting their differences and similarities in terms of investment potential.

Investment Potential

Both cryptocurrency and real estate investment have the potential to generate high returns. According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, the median existing home price in the United States increased by 15.8% in 2020 alone(1). Meanwhile, cryptocurrency markets have seen significant growth over the past decade. For instance, the price of Bitcoin has increased by over 400% in the past 12 months alone (2).

Risk and Volatility

One major difference between real estate and cryptocurrency investment is the level of risk involved. Investing in real estate is generally considered a safer and more stable option as property values tend to appreciate with time. Investing in cryptocurrency, on the other hand, can be more volatile given the constantly changing market trends.

For example, in May 2021, Bitcoin crashed by over 30% within a week, erasing billions of dollars in market value (3). Real estate, however, is a more stable investment option as property prices tend to increase steadily over time.


Cryptocurrency investment is more liquid compared to real estate investment, meaning that money can be easily withdrawn from or added to your crypto account. Liquid currency or assets can be bought, traded, or sold easily while still receiving their original value, regardless of purchase date. Real estate, on the other hand, is a less liquid investment since it can take time to sell or purchase and requires significant fees.


Investing in cryptocurrency generally requires a higher risk tolerance than real estate investment. This is because cryptocurrencies tend to be volatile and their values can fluctuate significantly over time. Real estate, on the other hand, may offer less risk but less diversification.


In summary, both cryptocurrency and real estate investment offer potential for high returns. However, there are significant differences between them, including volatility, liquidity, and diversification. Ultimately, the decision to invest in either asset class should be based on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

We hope this comparison has been helpful in determining which investment option is the right fit for you.


  1. "Existing-Home Prices Rise 15.8% in 2020, the Most in 15 Years." National Association of Realtors, Accessed 10 Sept 2021.
  2. "Bitcoin Markets." Coinbase, Accessed 10 Sept 2021.
  3. "Bitcoin tumbles below $40,000 as China intensifies crypto mining crackdown." CNBC, Accessed 10 Sept 2021.

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