Solar Panels vs Solar Tiles: Which One Is a Better Investment?

October 15, 2021

As the world embraces clean energy solutions, homeowners are seeking alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. If you are considering adopting solar energy for your home, you might be wondering about the differences between solar panels and solar tiles. Both options can generate electricity and often use sun-tracking technology. However, they differ in terms of efficiency, affordability, and aesthetics. In this post, we will compare the two technologies to help you make an informed decision.


Solar panels are the most common solar energy systems for residential use. They are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. They are typically installed on rooftops or open fields where they can get maximum exposure to sunlight.

On the other hand, solar tiles, also known as solar shingles, can replace traditional rooftiles. They have similar technology to solar panels, but with added convenience and an attractive design. Solar tiles are made of thin-film solar cells that are integrated into the roofing material.

While both systems are capable of generating clean, renewable energy, solar panels tend to be more efficient than solar tiles. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the average efficiency of solar panels is about 20-22%, while solar tiles have an efficiency rate of around 8-16% 1. Hence, if your top priority is generating the most energy possible, solar panels are your best bet.


The cost of solar energy systems has steadily declined over the years, making it more accessible to homeowners. That being said, solar panels tend to be more cost-effective compared to solar tiles.

According to EnergySage, solar tiles can cost twice as much as solar panels, with an average cost of $21.85 per watt compared to $10.54 per watt for solar panels 2. The higher cost is attributed to the technology used and the limited availability of solar tiles.

While solar tiles are more aesthetically pleasing than solar panels, the cost difference may not be worth it for everyone. Solar panels are reliable and have been used successfully for years. They are also more widely available, making them easier to install and obtain replacement parts if needed.


One consideration for homeowners when installing solar energy systems is how it impacts the look of their home. This is where solar tiles excel. They are designed to blend in with the existing roof and look like traditional roofing materials. This aesthetic appeal is what sets them apart from solar panels.

Solar panels, on the other hand, come in a variety of sizes and colors, but they still have a noticeable and utilitarian appearance. They tend to look like an added feature on a roof, which is not ideal for some homeowners.


In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between solar panels and solar tiles, your choice ultimately depends on your priorities. If efficiency is your top priority, solar panels are the way to go. They are also more cost-effective and reliable than solar tiles. However, if aesthetics are your main concern, solar tiles are the better option as they blend in with the existing roof.

Regardless of the option you choose, both solar panels and solar tiles offer significant benefits for homeowners who are seeking to reduce their energy bills while contributing to a sustainable future.


  1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2018). Solar Panel Efficiency: What Panels Are Most Efficient?.
  2. EnergySage. (n.d.). Tesla solar roof price vs conventional solar panels: does the premium justify the cost?.

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